On the anniversary of D-Day, Biden mentions the fight of Ukraine against a “tyrant.”


President Biden observed the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings on Thursday. In his remarks, he paid respect to the courage of the Allied forces and brought up the battle that Ukraine waged against “a tyrant,” urging Americans to keep in mind the importance of international alliances during this uncertain global situation.

Biden aimed to link the allied triumph of 80 years ago to the contemporary significance of America’s position as a world leader while addressing next to the U.S. cemetery in Normandy, France, in front of hundreds of living WWII soldiers.

“The combined efforts of the allies eight decades ago were far greater than anything any of us could have achieved individually,” Biden stated. A good example of how partnerships, genuine alliances, fortify us was shown. I hope we Americans always keep this lesson in mind.

“Isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago and is not the answer today,” Biden added, subtly criticising Trump’s America First programme, which the president is vehemently opposed to.

Invoking the struggle in Ukraine against “a tyrant bent on domination,” he emphasised the pivotal role played by NATO. The U.S. and its allies “will not walk away” from Ukraine in the midst of its fight with Russia, Biden said, adding that the country’s neighbours and others in Europe would be in danger if this were to happen.

D-Day commemorations overshadowed by ongoing conflict in Europe

“The fight for freedom from dictatorships is an eternal struggle,” he declared. It is absolutely inconceivable to give up to tyrants or bullies. If we did that, we would be erasing all memory of what transpired on these sacred beaches.

“The question we must now ask is whether we will resist evil, tyranny, crushing brutality, and the iron fist.” We are steadfast in our support of democracy and freedom. In solidarity, we stand. “Yes, and only yes” is the answer Biden could muster.

Following his praise of NATO as the “greatest military alliance in history,” the audience erupted in lively applause. A “more united than ever” NATO, he declared.

The biggest amphibious assault ever, the D-Day landings, were a turning point in WWII.

The ceremonies were anticipated to be attended by around 150 Americans who were involved in the Battle of Normandy, including 24 D-Day veterans. A number of these veterans are over 100 years old.

Biden turned to the veterans sitting behind him and said, “God love you,” after calling it “the highest honour to be able to salute you here in Normandy.”

The Allies’ air and seaborne invasion of Normandy brought to the descent of roughly 160,000 soldiers. To put it bluntly, many of them never returned home. Many people made it through that gruelling day, and many persisted in the struggle for months thereafter. Additionally, we are joined today by a few noteworthy brothers.

Biden tells Normandy veterans, “You saved the world.”

He singled out a few veterans, mentioning one who protected forces from German air support and another who gave gunfire support to rangers climbing the Pointe du Hoc cliffs. As an extra point, he singled out Ben Miller, a physician who had survived an aircraft disaster in which the wings were severed, from the audience.

They have always been the ones telling America’s narratives. Just take a stroll around the graveyard like I did,” Biden remarked.

As they walked down a blue carpet past American and French flags and groups of service men, Biden was accompanied by French President Emmanuel Macron, first lady Brigitte Macron, and first lady Jill Biden as they joined the event. As the two national anthems began to play, jets from the United States’ WWII era soared overhead.

As he assumed his post, Biden strode past veterans. After that, Macron made some comments and handed medals to a number of veterans.

Biden briefly met with each veteran, shook their hands, and then Macron took a minute to speak with each one.

The soldiers “built peace out of war” and “laid the foundation for a more just, free, and decent world,” according to Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, who paid tribute to them in his speech.

Biden met with 41 veterans, 31 of whom were there on D-Day, before the event and praised them, calling them the “greatest generation” that “saved the world.”

On Friday, the president will make comments at Pointe du Hoc that will centre on the preservation of democracy. Biden has often used Trump’s alleged use of derogatory terms, such as “losers” and “suckers,” to disparage his predecessor, and on Sunday, he will visit the same cemetery that Trump missed in 2018 owing to weather.

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