Here is a draft blog post with a casual tone on the topic of being a Pinterest account specialist:

Hey folks,

So you might have noticed I’ve been pinning like crazy on Pinterest lately. That’s because I actually turned my hobby of curating boards into a side gig as a Pinterest account specialist. Let me tell you a bit about what I do and how I got started down this path.

I’ve always loved browsing Pinterest for decor ideas, recipes, and just general inspiration. Over the years I built up a huge following on my personal account by regularly adding new pins to my boards. People started commenting that my boards were so well organized and they got a lot of use out of them. That got me thinking – could I possibly turn this into a way to make some extra cash?

After doing some research, I discovered there was definitely a market for Pinterest management services. Brands and businesses were looking for people to help grow their presence on the platform in an authentic, visually appealing way. So I decided to take the plunge and offer my pinning skills as a freelance service.

At first it was just a side hustle while I kept my day job. I’d reach out to local businesses like boutiques, restaurants, and salons to see if they needed help with their Pinterest. Most were eager to try it out since Pinterest can be kind of intimidating if you’re not super familiar with how it works.

I started small, just taking on a board or two here and there to get experience working with different clients. But it didn’t take long before word of mouth started spreading and more clients were finding me. Before I knew it, Pinterest account management became my full time gig!

These days I work with clients across various industries both locally and nationwide. My typical responsibilities include:

  • Audit existing Pinterest accounts and boards to ensure organization and branding
  • Create new boards based on client goals, products/services, and target audiences
  • Regularly pin new relevant content 2-3 times per day
  • Engage with followers by commenting, repinning, and driving traffic back to client sites
  • Analyze metrics like repins, saves, clicks to optimize strategies
  • Provide monthly reports on stats, trends, and recommendations

It’s so rewarding to see the positive impact this social media work has on businesses. Clients consistently report increases in website traffic, sales conversions, and brand awareness after a few months of my services. Who knew organizing pretty pictures online could turn into such a cool career?!

If you or someone you know needs help growing their Pinterest presence, feel free to reach out. I’d love to chat about customizing a plan that works for your specific goals and budget. In the meantime, you can check out my boards for all sorts of inspiration – just look for the username [your username]. Happy pinning!

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